PopApostle - Land of the Lost

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This is the home page of Pop Apostle's studies of Land of the Lost. This includes studies of the original TV series (abbreviated LOTL70), the 1990s TV series (abbreviated LOTL90), and the 2009 motion picture (abbreviated LOTL09), as well as some LOTL odds-and-ends produced by licensors.

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Most recently added to Episode Studies, "A Questionable Day",
from the 1976 Give-A-Show projector set by Kenner.

A questionable day for the Marshalls.
Most recently added to Episode Studies, "Sorceress's Apprentice".

Annie is entrusted with Keela’s book of spells.
A study of the 2009 Land of the Lost movie.

Has-been scientist Dr. Rick Marshall, research assistant Holly and redneck survivalist Will take a wrong turn into the dinosaur and Sleestak filled world of the Land of the Lost. Hijinks ensue.